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You Deserve a Stellar Therapist

Online Therapy for California Residents

Are you managing stress levels that have been getting just a little out of control lately?

Feeling burned out and overwhelmed at work or at home?

Trying to figure out how to juggle relationships, your health, family responsibilities, work, social life, finances, hobbies, keeping up with everything going on in the world… And maybe even getting some sleep occasionally?


Yeah, we’ve been there, too.

Stella Nova Psychology, Inc. was founded on the belief that when we support each other, we all shine brighter. Our mission is to support women and nonbinary professionals to thrive in their personal lives and their careers.

Founded by professional women, for professional  women.

Our clients are women and nonbinary individuals of all ages and stages of their careers – from recent graduates just getting adjusted to their first full-time job, to women at the top of their game but looking for a change.

Creative badasses, academic smarty-pants, side hustlers, techies, working mamas, glass ceiling smashers, and don’t-mind-me-I’m-just-saving-the-world types — and folks who are still just trying to figure it all out – we’re here for you.

Millennial professional woman talking on her cell phone with a notebook and laptop in front of her. She is a plus sized white woman in a button down and long hair in a bun.

Your mental health is not a luxury.

Most of us have been sold a myth that willpower and hard work are all we need to succeed at life. If something’s not working, we just need to push harder, try more, stuff down those pesky emotional needs and even our body’s limitations.

The truth is this: Mental health matters for our personal and professional lives. Women experience depression and anxiety twice as often as our male counterparts – and these rates are even higher for women of color and LGBTQ+ folks. We also face unique stressors at home and at work, which can have both subtle and profound impacts on our emotional well-being.

Your mental health is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. When we care for our mental health, we’re investing in ourselves, our relationships, our futures, and our goals.

A Black lesbian woman stands in front of a stone wall in an upscale office building. She's wearing a pink cardigan, and necklace with a pink stone. She has blonde hair and wears glasses, and has a confident expression on her face.

You can take the first step today.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a therapy newbie or if you’ve been in therapy since your pet rabbit died when you were seven. (Trust us, we’ve seen it all.) If you’re ready for something to be different in your life, you can take the first step today. Set up a free consultation to get matched with the best therapist to help you reach your goals.

We currently offer online therapy to adults and couples throughout California.

Stellar Therapy Online Throughout California

Get matched with the best therapist for your needs and preferences today!

Meet Maya

Founder, Stella Nova

I’m on a mission to help women live their most powerful, fulfilled lives.

More About Me

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Set Up A Free 20-Minute Phone Consultation and Get Matched with a Stella Nova Therapist Today