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Coping With Infidelity | Tips From A Couple Therapist

What if it’s not the “most wonderful time of the year?”

There’s no easy time to face the agony of betrayal after learning about a partner’s affair. Or, on the other hand, dealing with the aftermath of engaging in one yourself. That said, the holiday season can be a particularly difficult time to heal from infidelity. Social obligations can become overwhelming and expectations of joy, merriment, and celebration are high.

If you find yourself in that position this year, I’m deeply sorry—there is neither a quick nor easy solution. However, if you’re hoping to stay together and work towards recovery, I hope the following tips may support you.

Four Tips for Couples Coping with Infidelity During the Holiday Season

Acknowledge and Allow Your Pain

Uncovering infidelity is a traumatic experience. If you’ve been betrayed, you may feel your world has been turned upside down. Many people experience symptoms associated with trauma, such as intrusive thoughts, disrupted sleep, irregular appetite, anxiety, and depressed mood. It’s common to be on high alert towards your partner’s whereabouts or communications.

There’s no right or wrong way to feel. You are in the throes of grief. Lean into a close friend, a therapist, or someone you trust, and prioritize your immediate physical needs (e.g. eating, sleeping, a little daily movement).

A man and a woman are sitting at a table in a dimly lit bar or restaurant. The man, dressed in a suit, looks straight ahead while holding a drink. The woman, wearing a beige dress, leans on the table with her head in her hands, appearing distressed.

Similarly, if you’ve betrayed your partner and are committed to cutting off the interfering relationship, you may be experiencing grief you can’t share with anyone. Feelings of shame are normal—quite frankly, most of society looks down on your behavior, and maybe you’ve already experienced some backlash from friends or family. It’s okay to acknowledge that you’re also in pain, because you’ve also experienced a loss.

If you’ve decided to recommit to the relationship you stepped out on, it’s important that you have someone non-judgmental whom you can talk to. It’s also important to acknowledge that stepping back into your relationship won’t be easy.

A woman sits on the edge of a bed, gently comforting a man sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. The man appears distressed, while the woman offers support with her hand on his shoulder.

Set Boundaries and Attempt Open Communication

Infidelity often results from a breakdown in communication in the relationship, and it also can create further breakdowns in communication. Often the involved partner wants to sweep everything under the rug, move on, or “get back to normal.” While this impulse is strong, it’s counterproductive to healing. Rebuilding trust requires communicating openly and with empathy moving forward. You don’t have to resolve everything in one conversation, so make time to have smaller conversations when you have downtime from holiday activities.

In the aftermath of betrayal, it’s important to set clear expectations about what behavioral changes are expected moving forward. If you’ve engaged in an affair, you’ll likely have to begin accepting your partner’s influence in ways that feel uncomfortable. Be willing to make some changes if repairing the relationship is the objective.

Seek Support

If you’ve been betrayed, it may be tempting to share your experience with anyone willing to listen. During the holidays, there may be plenty of opportunities to share your grief with family. But if you’re trying to repair your relationship, try to enlist outside support to contain your distress. Terry Real (founder of Relational Life Therapy) suggests preserving your relationships with immediate family while you navigate betrayal by sparing them details, as other ruptures in the family system may be equally difficult to repair.

Real also points out that a romantic betrayal can bring up other, longstanding wounds. If you experienced abandonment as a child, it may be especially difficult to spend holiday time with family as you’re coping with infidelity.

Betrayal is a relational problem that isn’t solved individually. If you’re having difficulty communicating with one another, seek the support of a professional couple therapist (rather than relying on your individual therapist) to navigate the grief your relationship is experiencing.

You may also find it helpful to seek support from online forums, courses and webinars, or literature on the topic. A few books I recommend are After the Affair (Janis Spring), What Makes Love Last: How to Build Trust and Avoid Betrayal (John Gottman and Nan Silver), and The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity (Esther Perel).

Give Yourself Permission to Opt Out or Loosen Expectations

The holiday season can get overwhelmingly busy. Depending on where you are in your healing process, attending social gatherings may feel like the last thing you want to do. It’s okay to listen to what you’re needing and reduce your obligations when possible. It can be tempting to embrace an “out of sight” approach to get through the holidays. But it’s still important to address the betrayal directly, even in small moments. Don’t just pretend everything is cheery for the sake of the season.

Holidays can heighten unrealistic expectations, and, this year more than ever, it’s important to be gentle to yourself and acknowledge that things likely won’t look or feel “perfect.” Focus on creating small moments of connection when possible and aim for progress over perfection.

Half of the torso man dressed in a white long-sleeve shirt and woman in a flowery dress, standing holding hands with twinkly lights wrapped around their arms.

While healing from infidelity and rebuilding trust may seem daunting particularly during a season of merriment, it’s okay to take things one step at a time. Acknowledge that healing is nonlinear and may proceed slowly. Explore why you’re invested in trying to repair the relationship, and also take note of any ambivalence. As challenging as it may be to accept, couple therapist John Gottman gently reminds us that “not every relationship can or should be saved” (What Makes Love Last), so remember to be kind to yourself as you figure out what’s best for you.

About the Author

Megan Sullivan-Tuba, AMFT, is an associate therapist offering online therapy for individuals and couples across California. She specializes in helping clients enhance intimacy and connection in their relationships while providing compassionate support for healing from infidelity, trauma, and loss.

If you’re looking for couples counseling or therapy tailored to your unique needs, connect with Megan or another skilled therapist at Stella Nova Psychology. Schedule a free, 20-minute phone consultation today.

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